Tuesday 24 March 2009

A first time for everything

Well then, I've taken my first belated and shaky step into the world of blogging. After reading Hubby's blog - and a few others - for some time, and especially after attending the It's Learning conference here in Bergen last week I feel a strong compulsion to join in the blogging mass.
I haven't really decided on the overall topic of the blog yet, it will probably be a concoction of this, that and the other. The title Nice Work is of course borrowed from David Lodge's excellent novel, and is supposed to hint that this will have something to do with my job as English teacher (I realised that I hardly write anything but messages, instructions and essay questions in English, so blogging should fill a void here), but also other aspects of my extremely interesting life (ha ha). I plan to use the It'sL blog for teaching purposes, and this one for - whatever else.
Hubby writes about politics, economy, books and wine - he's always got both insight and opinions on an enormous variety of subjects. Glamourbibliotekaren writes about music, perfume, fashion and feel-good stuff - not really for me either. Well, we'll see what happens.


  1. Be careful - blogging can easily become addictive :) Good luck with your new blog, I hope you will find that it enhances your life in one way or another.

  2. Thanks! I hope for addiction rather than another dreary should-have-done feeling. I read your blog with interest, and complete mystification, since most of your tips and advice are way beyond my limited abilities - yet. However, since I also read your very first entries I realised that you have come a long way in a short space of time, so there is hope!

  3. Congratulations! Now you can teach me all the things I haven't found out yet, after a couple of years of blogging. One of these being how to get such a nice little slot to post comments.
