Wednesday 25 March 2009

Procrastination... one of the things I do well. Today my little tootlepops (4) was unwell, and we stayed home. She was quite happy to lie on the sofa and watch telly, so this was an excellent opportunity to 1) start marking the pile of essays I brought home, 2) clean the house (at least partly), 3) prepare the listening material for my classes on Friday, etc, etc, etc. But how have I spent the day? Not doing any of the above, but rather - nothing. A lot of time fiddling with facebook to see if anyone had written anything interesting (not), about 50 (give or take a few) "edderkoppkabal" ( a good thing we're not yet into real computer games, I'd never get out of the house), several cups of tea, a lot of cuddling with tootlepops (that, I argue, is not time wasted, but well spent), and so on. Consequently, at the end of the day, the pile is just as tall, the house still messy and I still have a lot of teaching to prepare, in addition to bad conscience for being so lazy and not seizing the day, as it were. Oh well. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, and I hope to gather some tomorrow.

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